The awakening: Spatial Structure by Lucía Fernández


THEME:  Discontent and revolt of a woman who refuses to pay the price that matrimony and motherhood demand.

Part 1

CH.1- Sunday summer XIX century. Grand Isle (fifty miles from New Orleans)exotic nestling place for mother-women.
  • Edna is swimming.
  • Edna is burnt beyond recognition:
    1. unladylike, immaturity.
    2. Edna has broken the social code
    3. Edna takes away her ring before going to swim                 superstitions.

CH.2- Robert, the land Lady’s son, not  …………             intends to go Mexico in summer.
  • Edna & Robert talk lightly about in consequence they are starting an innocent intimacy.
  • Mr. Pontellier leaves to catch the steamer to New Orleans. This liberates Edna.
  • Leoncé gives Edna things  so that Mr. Pontellier is said to be an excellent husband
  • Edna is changing a lot.

 CH.3- Edna has dinner alone, internal turmoil                   external peace.
  • Edna cries. Her place in the universe.

CH.5-6 – Edna has not experienced passion, real or imagined.
  • Edna has not discussed it nor joked lightly heartedly with anyone about it.
  • Up to this moment, she hasn’t spent sleepless nights because of consuming flames.  ( 1002)
  • Chopin is preparing us for the change that is about to occur. She began to awaken.
  • Chopin speaks of the sea, the sea waves & wonders what Edna feels as she tries to fathom the mysterious Creole.
  • Nature: she starts to become aware of the caressing quality of the sea & the embrace of her solitude ( 1005- author intrusive; 1007- 1008- The meadow)
  • Edna herself is allowing to become part of  an unconscious fusion with the sea. Seductive powers of the sea.
  • Edna succumbs to the strength of the sea as it speaks to her soul, to her body. Edna is about to be awaked to a new and fragile sexuality.
  • Awakening                   1- It will delight her.
                                            2- It will open new depths for her.

Part 2

CH.4-8- Discovery her place in the universe. Individual self-realization.                             C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CH. 7-10- Edna’s mystical and sensuous immersion in the late evening sea (1017 IX).          O
  • She has a small private life. she has whole dimensions of herself that she has not shared even with Leonce                                                                                                                                 N                                                                                
  • She senses this summer will change the course of his life.
  • Adele’s beauty fascinates her.                                                                                    T                                                                                                            
  • She has allowed to be friendly with Robert.
  • She misses Robert. ( 1018 ).                                                                                      R
  • The ungovernable dread hung about her when in the water.
  • Feeling  or exaltation. ( 1018).                                                                                    O
  • She wanted to swim far out where no woman had swam before.
  • Death and terror, foreshadows (1019).                                                                        L
  • Feelings and emotions have swept through her to night.
  • Passion felt for the first time (1024)
  • She can actually swim. This gives her a sense of freedom.

CH. 11- She denies and rejects Leonce’s command. Her voice, new authoritative tone.
  • New peace as she is left alone in her hammock (1021)
  • She does not accept Leonce to talk her in that way. (1022)

CH.12-Chemiere Caminada. Edna discovers her body.                                                                                                             
  • Foreshadowing , half awakened senses of something in………..                          
  • She frees her soul of responsibilities. Robert asks her to go to Grand Terre the next day.                                                                                                                                                                                   
CH.13- Edna loosens her clothes and hair (1027)            awakening her sensuality.         O 
  • She saw for the first time, the fine form quality and texture of her flesh.                  N
  • How many years have I sleep? (1028).                                                                    T
  • She is falling in love with her fresh sense and freedom, in love with the sense of adventure.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  •  She has discovered in life and in herself in love with Robert.                                 R
CH. 14- Emotional adultery. Control.                                                                                   L      

CH-15- Second banquet . Loss of control.
  • She’s infatuated and going through a conscious emotional adultery.
  • Robert’s in love.
  • She doesn’t believe this is true.
  • Robert goes to Mexico.
  • Solitude because of love’s absence.
  • Adele cautions Edna not to exposed her emotions ( Robert’s departure)
  • Edna’s heroism. She is able to risk everything. Robert will not.
  • Edna sees her closest kingship with the sea, the soothing company of her solitude(10359.
  • She is discovering her essence, a process.
  • She could…….use her children’s…..surrogate for her own…….

Chapter’s goal                     Revolutionary. The heroine leaving her husband for another man. A woman who defies the whole concept of family. She would not live an empty life dedicated to anyone.
Ch 16
ü  She knows her reality
ü  Solitude love’s absence
ü  Robert has departed
ü  Edna makes Robert a topic of conversation
ü  The cat of eating as a link  with sth that has happened.


 Ch 17 1/2
ü  Introduction to the new place
ü  Edna throws the ring
ü  Rejects contention

Ch17 2/2
ü  Dinner alone
ü  Inner turmoil.
ü  External turmoil
ü  Ring loss of control= Achievement

Ch 18-22
ü  Discovery instincts emerge
ü  New place= Rebllion
ü  Edna doesn’t pay attention to the house
ü  She is led by her instincts
ü  She paints and visits Mdme. Ratignole
ü  1st banquet
ü  Dr Mandelet realizes Edna ids in love.
ü  Radiant exterior
ü  Control because she keeps all the threats in movement

Ch 24 ½
ü  External Rebellion Edna quarrels with her father
ü  Children with Leonce´s parents
ü  Another kind of control over Robert

Ch24 2/2
ü  Supper alone
ü  Discovers her home
ü  Control (1061)
ü  Like the Chêniere

ü  Sexual attraction
ü  Arobin kisses her
ü  Arobin sees she has changed= she is a changed woman
ü  Edna prepares everything for a Coup de Êtat against patriarchy

Ch 30
ü  2nd Banquet
ü  New people
ü  Farewell
ü  Immediate past
ü  Control

Ch31 ½
ü  Solitude
ü  Acceptance
ü  Arobin
ü  Sex symbol
ü  Casanova’s Presence
ü  Control
ü  Doer of things

Pigeon’s house

Ch 31  2/2
ü  Solitude rejection
ü  Arobin
ü  Control

ü  Home Children Reality
ü  Family her reality up and down /gain and loss
ü  Edna goes to mademoiselle Reitz
ü   love returnsArobins
ü  Photo
ü  Chance= No control
Ch 34
ü  Dinner
ü  Robert
ü  Arobin
ü  Chance= no control
ü  Hope Destroyed(Robert not met)
ü  Arobin
ü  No control
ü  Café Robert
ü  Discovery
ü  Mde Ratignole
ü  Chance= no control
Ch 37
ü  Childbirth
ü  children
ü  Dr Mandelete
ü  Reality Family
ü  Hope destroyed
ü  (1095) knock at the door =chance

ü  Solitude
ü  Ultimate
ü  Revelation
ü  Loss of control
ü  Returns to Grand Isle
ü  Circular plot

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